Dwyer Family and the News of the World

Jan 6, 2010 | Appeals to the Press Council

Decision of the Press Council of Ireland

The Council decided to admit the appeal for its consideration on the grounds that the complainant was offering new evidence in the form of “sworn affidavits” which, it was claimed, would show that the story in the newspaper about a group of men who formed a guard of honour at Mr Dwyers’ grave was unfounded.

The signed statements received by the Council were from individuals who were colleagues of Mr Dwyer in I-RMS and who had paid their respects at the graveside immediately after the burial. But the newspaper story was not referring to these individuals but to a group of men with shaved heads who reportedly belonged to a Hungarian right-wing group and who visited the grave several hours after the burial. The signed statements do not relate to the incident reported, and provide no new evidence relevant to the complaint.

The Council therefore did not allow the appeal. It affirmed the decision of the Press Ombudsman