A Person and the Irish Daily Mirror and www.irishmirror.ie

The complainant, through their solicitors, asserts that an article published in the Irish Daily Mirror and on www.irishmirror.ie in September 2023 breached Principle 2 (Distinguishing Fact and Comment), Principle 3 (Fair Procedures and Honesty), Principle 4 (Respect...

OMB. 2063/2024 – A Man and Independent.ie

The Press Ombudsman has not upheld a complaint from a 70-year-old man about an article entitled “Emojis, ringtones and loudspeakers – 10 tech signs you’re part of the older generation” which was published by Independent.ie in June 2024.  The complainant asserted that...

OMB. 2012/2024 – Mr Chris Davies and Kerry’s Eye

18 October, 2024 The Press Ombudsman has decided to uphold a complaint from Mr Chris Davies about a report published in Kerry’s Eye in the summer of 2024.  The complaint is upheld in relation to Principle 1 (Truth and Accuracy) of the Press Council’s Code of...

OMB. 1707/2024 – A Woman and the Irish Examiner

The Press Ombudsman has decided not to uphold a complaint from a woman about an article published in the Irish Examiner in September 2023.  Consideration of the complaint was delayed due to legal proceedings which have now concluded. The article to which the complaint...

OMB. 1929/2024 – Mr William Henry and The Irish Times

The Press Ombudsman has decided not to uphold a complaint from Mr William Henry about a cartoon published by The Irish Times on its front page in March 2024.  Mr Henry complained that the cartoon breached Principle 8 (Prejudice) of the Code of Practice. Captioned “At...