Appeals and Referrals

Instead of making a decision on a complaint, the Press Ombudsman may exercise his discretion to refer a complaint directly to the Press Council for decision.  The Chair of the Press Council may then activate a sub-committee of the Council to consider the complaint and make a decision.

Either party to a complaint can appeal a substantive decision of the Press Ombudsman, or a decision of a sub-committee of the Press Council when the Press Ombudsman has exercised his power to refer a complaint directly to the Press Council, on one or both of the following grounds:      

(i) The procedures followed in making the decision were not in accordance with the published procedures for submitting and considering complaints.

(ii) That there has been an error in the Press Ombudsman’s or Press Council sub-committee’s application of the Principles of the Code of Practice. 

The procedure for all appeals to the Press Council can be accessed here.

These procedures do not provide for oral hearings.